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Timahoe National School, Timahoe, Portlaoise

News - Junior Infants

3rd May 2024
Today was a great day!The children, from junior infants to sixth class dressed in...
30th Apr 2024
We celebrated rainbow day in aid of Loffa. Loffa is a family support group for children...
6th Sep 2024
We are all very proud of our wonderful Junior Infants who have nailed week 1.They...
4th Sep 2024
Welcome to our 16 new Junior Infants!We wish you all well as you start your journey...

2023/2024 School Year

24th Jun 2024
I'm sure there were a few tired little teddy bears in Timahoe after our fun filled...
4th Jun 2024
Junior and Senior Infants were the first classes in the school to head off on their...
4th Jun 2024
Today Junior and Senior Infants went all the way to Dublin for our School Tour.  We...
23rd May 2024
Junior Infants have been learning about the Round Tower, St Mochua and his pets! So...
30th Apr 2024
We wore every colour of the Rainbow today for LOFFA's Rainbow Day Fundraiser. We...
15th Mar 2024
Bhain gach duine an-taitneamh as Lá Ghlas agus and ceolchoim sa halla inniù.
14th Mar 2024
Thàinig Rang a 3 go dtí Naíonáin Bheaga chun imirt agus...