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Timahoe National School, Timahoe, Portlaoise

Book Rental

Book rental for September 2024.

Grant funding is provided directly to primary schools by the Department of Education to provide school books, workbooks and copybooks to all children at the start of the school year. Unfortunately, this grant has been cut by €16 this year (from €96 per child last year to €80 per child this year).

In Scoil Mhure Fatima we take sole responsibility for the procurement of all items that the children require for the school year. We feel this works very well for parents. 

We provide:

  • Books
  • Workbooks
  • Copybooks
  • All stationery including pens, pencils, rubbers, erasers, crayons, colours etc.
  • Maths sets
  • Art Materials
  • Photocopying
  • Covering for books
  • Licences to online learning platforms such as Mathletics and Reading Eggs

In addition to the above, we will be implementing a new wellbeing programme across the school called ‘Weaving Wellbeing’ and there will be new workbooks provided to all children for this.

In order to continue the current arrangement, whereby we take responsibility for providing all of the above, the Board of Management decided that the cost will be €60 per child.

This payment of €60 per child can be paid to the school in September through Aladdin Payments or by cash.

All schoolbooks will remain the property of the school so that books can be reused in future years. Schoolbooks will be provided on loan to children for the duration of the 2024/25 school year and must be returned to school at the end of the school year.