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Timahoe National School, Timahoe, Portlaoise

SSE- School Self Evaluation

17th Jan 2024

School Self Evaluation is a collaborative, inclusive, reflective process of internal school review. SSE provides opportunities for schools to examine their own practice within their own context and to report on their strengths. It affords schools opportunities to identify a curriculum area or an aspect of teaching and learning that they wish to investigate and where they feel their school might profitably explore the potential for improvement.

It brings benefits to teachers as they share experiences and ideas and assists them to become even more effective in the classroom. It brings benefits to students as they have opportunities to voice what works for them and what would help them to learn. It brings benefits to the school as all teachers focus on the same small number of targets and strategies for improvement.

A school self-evaluation of teaching and learning in Timahoe NS will be carried out from January 2022 to September 2024.
It has been decided that our school self-evaluation will be used to support the introduction and implementation of the School Wellbeing Framework, where we will focus on the setting up and embedding of wellbeing initiatives in our school.