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Timahoe National School, Timahoe, Portlaoise

Confirmation 2023

7th May 2023

On Saturday 6th May, the 6th class students of Timahoe made their confirmation.

Bishop Denis Nulty joined Fr.Breen and Fr.Kelly in the Sacred Heart church of Stradbally for the Sacrament. 

50 students were confirmed as members of the Catholic Church during this special Confirmation service. 

Bishop Nulty was very personable and friendly as he read aloud some of the children's letters and explained what it means to make the choice to join the house of God. 

The students explained that they want to be part of a modern and connected church in the future. Both Timahoe and Stradbally students made posters to illustrate the importance of faith in a modern and connected world. 

The Confirmation marked the first performance of a school choir led by Damien Bowe and accompanied by Anna Bergin. All who attended on this special morning complimented the wonderful music. The choir consisted of children from 3rd,4th and 5th class. 


The children prepred for Confirmation by following the Grow in Love program in school, attending retreat in Mount St.Annes and travelling to Stradbally 3 times to practice.

We hope the children and their families enjoyed a weekend of celebrations.