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Timahoe National School, Timahoe, Portlaoise

6th Class School Tour

24th May 2022

And we are on the home stretch..


6th Class departed Timahoe early on Tuesday 24th May to visit Navan Adventure Centre. 

The children excelled at archery, honing their skills with a bow and arrow. The girls surprised the boys with a double win in TUG OF WAR. Endurance was tested as they braved the mucky puddles across the obstacle course before sitting down for lunch. 

After lunch the sun came out for 'foot golf', foozeball, go-karting and a quick game of mini golf.

The children (who weren't snoozing) cheered the whole journey home receiving hoots and beeps from every passing car and lorry!! 

A fantastic day all around.  

Thank you to Ms Fallon for her help and to 6th class for their smiles and good manners on our day out. 😊